General information

Website owner

Ébénisterie Générale
E-mail address:
French business registration number (SIRET): 522 865 765 00021

Person in charge of content published on the website

The person in charge of content published on the website is Mr. Dominique Roger, the founder and managing director of Ébénisterie Générale.

Web hosting service

The website is hosted by the firm OVH, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

Intellectual property

Mr. Dominique Roger, the founder and managing director of Ébénisterie Générale, is the exclusive holder of all intellectual property rights regarding the content of the website. It is forbidden to publish, reproduce or redistribute – in any way – all or some of the content of this website. By breaching these imperative legal provisions, the offender and anyone responsible for such a violation will face the penal and civil sentences stipulated by law.


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Photographs and videos copyrighted Franck Tomps.
Translation of the texts: Calliope International.
Website creation: Aline Guichardon.